So, you know those times when you’re cruising along with your contracts… and then your work takes longer than you expected, and you’re waiting for someone else in the production line to finish their bit and it turns out they haven’t done it and YOU need to do that too, and you need to start another contract because you’ve already promised that other client that you would start on this date…and then university term starts on the same week and you need to write up all the lesson plans so the sweet little first years can soak up your wisdom…and then it turns out that a film-making friend of yours is calling on that favour you promised her awhile ago, and it all works out to mean that you are teaching and working on three animation jobs at once that all need to be done NOW (or, like, yesterday) because there’s the big D-word approaching…
Yeah, those times.
i knows the feeling
At least the Big D isn’t Divorce or Death…I suppose that death is the ultimate deadline.
Geez, we’re cheery today
Sorry. I just couldn’t resist. Yeah, I know the feeling about to shift priorities. That’s what keeps me on my toes.
Life’s a laugh, and death’s a joke, it’s true….But you know what they say: Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life….*Whistles*
Well… At least the penguin was blown clear of the worst of it!
I really like the Deadline toon. I know it has a simple communication purpose, but it’s really humorous. Could even be the beginning of a new story, after RT is finished.